Meet the Frausto Family
March 29, 2022
The siblings are each a year and a half apart with Jeanette (10) being the oldest and the youngest being born in August 2021. The children enjoy going to school and each have their own favorite subject. Jeanette’s favorite subjects are art and reading, while Gianna likes science. Gabriel is thriving in both science and PE and Jacey is loving learning to read. Just like most children, they also have plenty of hobbies. Jeanette cares for her pets and likes being creative by drawing and painting. Gabriel enjoys playing football and helping his dad with both home and car repairs and learning to use tools. The whole family enjoys helping in the kitchen, especially Gianna and Jacey who are very knowledgeable little chefs!
The Fraustos chose St. Ambrose because of its Hispanic community and religious education. They wanted the children to have a great education in a community that would be welcoming to them. The parents, Analisa and Edgar, were only 19 when they had their first child. They have always wanted to provide the best education and opportunities for their children. Being young parents to a big family has meant they have seen their fair share of hardships. They know what it’s like to skip meals and get by with the bare minimum because they simply couldn’t afford things. Through hard work, they are thankful to have become homeowners and no longer worry about where their next meal is coming from. However, providing a private religious education for their kids is expensive. Without scholarships, the family stated that they would not be able to afford their education. “We are truly thankful to the Arizona Leadership Foundation for the assistance that is out there, because it gives my kids and families like mine the chance to be great.”
From the mom, Analisa:
Jeanette and my school aged kids have been at St. Ambrose since Kinder. With each passing year, (pandemic included) the school’s drive to teach and ensure the kids are learning hasn’t changed. Education is always a priority at this school and they care about making sure their students are being taught and nurtured. For the most part their class sizes aren’t large and the kids get more personalized time with the teacher. Tutoring is also offered for students which really shows how available they make themselves to the students.
Principal Tanya Duenas had this say about the family:
The Frausto family has been such a blessing to our community! St. Ambrose was blessed with Jennette as a kindergarten student. She was a very quiet bright student. The next year Jeanette flourished in 1st grade and as a big sister, she took little Gianna under her wing and helped her through kindergarten. As years passed, Mr. and Mrs. Frausto added Gabriel and Jacey to our St. Ambrose family. All four students are exceptional academically and spiritually. They are St. Ambrose WildCATS: Community builders, Achieve academic excellence, Take initiative and Spiritually active Christians and above all else they are so special to our school.
About St. Ambrose Catholic School:
The St. Ambrose Catholic School Community, through the grace, teachings and example of Jesus Christ, provides its students with a spiritual and academic foundation from which to achieve excellence. Located in the center of metropolitan Tucson, St. Ambrose opened its first three classrooms in 1949, as a parish/school under Monsignor Donald Hughes, first pastor of St. Ambrose. From its founding, the school was staffed by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet until 1982 The St. Ambrose Catholic School community professes belief in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as the foundation of lives. As a community, we provide an environment in which children seek their full spiritual and academic potential. At St. Ambrose Catholic School, apostles receive a Christ-centered, challenging, and loving education in order to excel and reach our ultimate goals of college, heaven and evangelization.